
NC30C fiber 3D auto focusing fiber cutting head

PRODUCT FEATURESThis cutting head is mainly used for laser below 3000WThe internal structure of the laser head is completely sealed to avoid the contamination of the optical lensThe laser head is adju

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  1. This cutting head is mainly used for laser below 3000W

  2. The internal structure of the laser head is completely sealed to avoid the contamination of the optical lens

  3. The laser head is adjusted by two points alignment, and the focusing mechanism is driven by servo motor to automatically focus.

Perforation efficiency

  1. The structure of protective mirror adopts drawer type, which is easy to replace

  2. The sensor assembly adopts ceramic ring structure with low maintenance cost

  3. It can be used in all kinds of lasers with QBH fiber connectors


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Shenzhen Worthing Technology Co.,, Ltd.

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